Create Consent – Account
In order to retrieve a user’s account data, explicit consent has to be created and confirmed by the user. User’s account data are provided only for valid consents. By following the below listed steps a valid consent would be created:
1st step: POST/consents - Create consent
This method creates a consent resource, defining access rights to dedicated accounts of a given PSU-ID. For details please see call parameters description. TPP is also required to redirect the user to the authorisation server with appropriate data that is received from a successful first call (POST Create Consent), redirect links are provided within the response.
Important: Consent can be created for account data, transaction data, balance data with a single method. To obtain only account data, "accounts" has to contain valid account data in this method. To obtain transactions data, "accounts" and "transactions" in the method Create consent has to contain valid account data. To obtain balance data, "accounts" and "balances" in the method Create consent has to contain valid account data.
2nd step: GET/consents/{consentId}/status - Consent status request
Read the status of an account information consent resource. Once the »Consent status request« returns the "consentStatus": "valid", the consent was properly authorised by the user and can be used in further flows for retrieving account data.
Optional methods:
- GET/consents/{consentId} - Get Consent Request
- DELETE/consents/{consentId} - Delete Consent
- GET/consents/{consentId}/authorisations - Get Consent Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
- GET/consents/{consentId}/authorisations/{authorisationId} - Read the SCA status of the consent authorisation

Get Account List and/or Account Details
Prerequisite: valid consent (see Create consent) with valid IBAN in "accounts" in the method »Create consent«.
Steps to get account data details:
1st step: GET/accounts - Read Account List
Read the identifiers (resource ID) of the available payment account together with booking balance information, depending on the consent granted. This method requires to provide the consentID as a header parameter, and will return the correct account according to the provided consent.
2nd step: GET/accounts/{account-id} - Read Account Details
Returns details about an account based on the provided resource ID, obtained with the method Read Account List, with balances where applicable.
Get Account Transaction List and/or Transaction details
Prerequisite: valid consent (see Create consent) with valid IBAN in "accounts" and "transactions" in the method »Create consent«.
Steps to get transaction list and details data:
1st step: GET/accounts - Read Account List
Read the identifiers (resource ID) of the available payment account together with booking balance information, depending on the consent granted. This method requires a consentID to be provided as a header parameter, according to which the correct account is returned.
2nd step: GET/accounts/{account-id}/transactions - Read Transaction List
Read transaction reports or transaction lists of a given account addressed by "account-id", depending on the steering parameter "bookingStatus" together with balances.
Important: The »Read Transaction List« call has some query parameters that can be used to narrow down the list of returned data, please check the specifications of this call for more details.
Read transaction lists calls are limited to a period of 90 days from the time the request is made. During the first 5 minutes of an AIS consent lifecycle, any GET /transactions request made will not be limited. After this time period, the limitation will apply, and any requests trying to retrieve transactions older than 90 days will be rejected.
3rd step: GET/accounts/{account-id}/transactions/{transactionId} - Read Transaction Details
Reads transaction details from a given transaction addressed by "resourceId" on a given account addressed by "account-id". This call is only available on transactions as reported in a JSON format.

Read Account Balances
Prerequisite: valid consent (see Create consent) with valid IBAN in "accounts" and "balances" in the method »Create consent«.
Steps to get balance data:
1st step: GET/accounts - Read Account List
Read the identifiers (resource ID) of the available payment account together with booking balance information, depending on the consent granted. This method requires a "consentID" to be provided as a header parameter, according to which the correct account is returned.
2nd step: GET/accounts/{account-id}/balances Read Balance
Reads account balance data from a given account addressed by "account-id".