
Welcome to our PSD2 API portal

The Payment Services Directive (PSD2) is an EU Payment Directive aimed at providing increased flexibility and security to clients in the execution of payments within the EU. 

The APIs featured below provide three services that can be used only by licensed TPPs possessing a specific eIDAS certificate after obtaining a consent from both the bank and customer. All published PSD2 APIs follow Berlin Group NextGenPSD2 XS2A specification v1.3.

Each service offered by a TPP needs to be requested by the customer. Should you need help or are just looking for further information, get in touch with us using the Contact form.

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2024-10-10: Upcoming scheduled maintenance

Please note that there might be intermittent interruptions of the PSD2 services due to maintenance work on the back-end system on 13 October 2024 between 00:05 and 03:00 (CET+2).

We thank you for your understanding.


Important notice!

Obveščamo vas, da sta se  SKB banka d.d. in Nova Kreditna banka Maribor d.d. 22.8.2024 združili v eno pravno osebo.

Združena banka (NKBM d.d.) se je dne 23.8.2024 preimenovala v OTP banka d. d. 

Od pravne združitve (22.8.2024) do operativne združitve (1.9.2024) se vsi zahtevki (vpogled v račun, plačilni nalog), ki so poslani na SKB banko d.d. ali Novo KBM d.d., obdelani v okviru tehnološke podpore posamezne banke predhodnice, zato je potrebno zahtevke pošiljati še ločeno za NKBM in ločeno za SKB banko. 

S 1.9.2024 bodo operativno združeni tudi vsi zaledni tehnološki sistemi obeh bank. Zaradi poenotenja informacijskih sistemov bodo od petka 30.08.2024 od 14. ure dalje  do predvidoma ponedeljka 02.09.2024  poslovanje preko PSD portala z računi pri OTP banki (bivšo SKB banki in bivšo NKBM banki)ne bo mogoče.

Konec dneva 31.8.2024 bo PSD2 portal SKB banke deaktiviran. Vsi zahtevki, poslani od vključno 1.9.2024 naprej, morajo biti usmerjeni na OTP banko d. d. (bivšo Novo KBM d.d.).

SKB banka d.d. and Nova Kreditna banka Maribor d.d. merged into one legal entity on August, 22nd 2024, by the acquisition of SKB banka d.d. by Nova Kreditna banka Maribor d.d. 

The merged bank (Nova KBM d.d.) was renamed into OTP banka d. d. on August, 23rd 2024.

From the legal merger (August, 22nd 2024) until the operational merger (September, 1st 2024), all the submitted requests (account information, payment initiation) will be processed within separate IT systems of each bank, therefore requests must be submitted separately for NKBM and SKB bank. 

As of September 1st, 2024, the operational merger of the IT systems of the banks will also be completed. Due to the unification of information systems, from Friday 30.08.2024 from 2 p.m. until 8 a.m. Monday 02.09.2024, it will not be possible to do business via the PSD portal with accounts at OTP banka (former SKB banka and former NKBM banka).

The PSD2 portal for SKB bank will be deactivated on August, 31st 2024, end of day. All requests sent from September 1st, 2024 onwards, must be directed to OTP banka d. d. (former Nova KBM d.d.).